Consequence modelling is used to estimate the potential impact to people, plant, and the surrounding area (community and environment) from major incidents, such as those involving loss of containment, fire, and explosions. The extent of impact a hazard has must be known in order to assess its risk. This is particularly important for major hazard facilities as the hazards may have significant impact large distances from the initial source.
Safety Solutions offers a range of modelling services for scenarios such as:
- Pool fires
- Jet fires
- Flash fires
- Vapour-cloud-explosions (VCE)
- Boiling-liquid-expanding-vapour-explosions (BLEVE)
- Toxic material releases, from sources inside and outside of buildings, including release of products from a fire
- Fragment models
- Warehouse fire modelling
We use a combination of commercial consequence modelling software in addition to modelling techniques developed inhouse.
Consequence modelling can also be used to investigate the potential for escalation of an incident, such as escalation of fires to other areas within a plant. The consequences of the incident are quantified in terms of thermal radiation, explosion overpressure, and chemical toxicity. This is used to determine the impact on people, plant, and the surrounding area.
Contact us for any of your Consequence Modelling needs.
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